Reduces ink usage by up to 10%


  • Reduces ink usage by up to 10%
  • Reduces dampening levels by up to 20%
  • Reduces start up waste paper
  • Environmentally friendly



  • Sharper dot and lower dot gain
  • Faster colour balance
  • Faster drying for quicker backing up
  • Less maintenance down time on press
  • Higher falshpoint than IPA



  • Cost saving in ink and water
  • Save on paper waste
  • Obtain a sharper dot and lower dot gain
  • Faster colour balance enables more jobs on press
  • Cleaner back cylinders enables less cleaning solutions and maintenance time on press
  • No wear on fountain solution probe
  • Supplied in 25 / 210 and 1000 litres


  • Stability Pro Fountain Solution is installed onto the IPA Probe on sheetfed alcohol dosing systems. Or hand mixed to 10% by Hydrometer reduce your dampening settings or to scum point, reduce your inks by 10% and commence running when the optimum minimum ink levels are reached.

stability pro fountain solution